Interview: Dana Levin and Brenda Lemeiux
Dana Levin
Brenda Lemeiux
For my Songs of Our Lives class, which you can read more about here, one of my assignments is a Diversity Interview. This means discussing diversity on our campus of Santa Fe University of Art and Design as we rewrite our official school Diversity Statement. I was lucky to get a session with the effervescent Dana Levin, the professor who taught me to love poetry, as well as design bombshell Brenda Lemeiux.
Discuss 3 examples of problematic behavior and/or language that you have witnessed on campus.
DL: I have not personally witnessed problematic behavior or language on campus. I will say that SFUAD needs to hire more faculty of color.
BL: Recently, I would say that in my history class, there’s no recognition of the accomplishments of people of color or proper credit given to people of color, so that’s really frustrating. And also like the comment [Head of Security] Peter Romero made to [another student] about the pepper spray*, that was really uncalled for and violent. Otherwise, I would just say the normal ignorance and insensitivity people have, especially towards Native Americans here in Santa Fe.
Discuss 3 examples you have witnessed on campus that evidence positive steps towards inclusivity and diversity.
DL: Positive steps I have witnessed re: Inclusivity and diversity: the establishment, support, and activities of student clubs focused on diversity; and the outstanding job Jackalope Magazine does covering issues of diversity and inclusion.
BL: I think one of the cool things about going to an art school with so many different kinds of people is that people are learning and educating themselves on the situations of other people, and trying to be more inclusive and sensitive to each other. There’s still some bullshit, but this type of environment is good for teaching about that kind of stuff.
What do you feel are important points to be included in the SFUAD diversity statement?
DL: I trust the thinkers on this one.
BL: Generally just about defense from discrimination and having an open attitude towards everyone. We have so many different types of people at this school, so it’s important for everyone to feel safe and comfortable and accepted
Thank you Dana and Brenda for your cooperation and thoughts!
*This refers to an incident during a campus security meeting, where our Head of Security said some sexist things while discussing ways students can be safe on campus. Details can be found here.